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money management

Generally speaking, there are two ways to practice successful money management. A trader can take many frequent small stops and try to harvest profits from the few large winning trades, or a trader can choose to go for many small squirrel-like gains and take infrequent but large stops in the hope the many small profits will outweigh the few large losses. The first method generates many minor instances of psychological pain, but it produces a few major moments of ecstasy. On the other hand, the second strategy offers many minor instances of joy, but at the expense of experiencing a few very nasty psychological hits. With this wide-stop approach, it is not unusual to lose a week or even a month's worth of profits in one or two trades. (For further reading, see Introduction To Types Of Trading: Swing Trades.)

To a large extent, the method you choose depends on your personality; it is part of the process of discovery for each trader. One of the great benefits of the FX market is that it can accommodate both styles equally, without any additional cost to the retail trader. Since FX is a spread-based market, the cost of each transaction is the same, regardless of the size of any given trader's position.

For example, in EUR/USD, most traders would encounter a 3 pip spread equal to the cost of 3/100th of 1% of the underlying position. This cost will be uniform, in percentage terms, whether the trader wants to deal in 100-unit lots or one million-unit lots of the currency. For example, if the trader wanted to use 10,000-unit lots, the spread would amount to $3, but for the same trade using only 100-unit lots, the spread would be a mere $0.03. Contrast that with the stock market where, for example, a commission on 100 shares or 1,000 shares of a $20 stock may be fixed at $40, making the effective cost of transaction 2% in the case of 100 shares, but only 0.2% in the case of 1,000 shares. This type of variability makes it very hard for smaller traders in the equity market to scale into positions, as commissions heavily skew costs against them. However, FX traders have the benefit of uniform pricing and can practice any style of money management they choose without concern about variable transaction costs.


The Forex can be very profitable but at the same time very frustrating. One of the advantages of the Forex markets is it’s open 24 hours a day. Unfortunately this can actually be more of a disadvantage because some of us have to sleep and have lives to live and we can’t watch the markets 24 hours a day. So how do you ensure you won’t miss the good trades?

There are several ways. You can team up with other people so you can take shifts and always watch the markets. This is what a lot of the large trading firms do. The problem with that is most new and small time traders can’t afford a staff and then there are concerns of trusting and depending on the other people.

You can also use charting software where you can set up alerts that will give you an alarm when a buy or sell signal is triggered. They can make a sound, send you an email or even call or text your cell phone. The problem is you might not be somewhere where you can get to your computer when it happens. And do you really want to be woken up at odd hours of the night to make your trades? I tried that for a while and I was left exhausted from broken sleep. And I didn’t sleep well to begin with knowing at any moment an alarm might go off.


They say there is a shortcut to everything, provided you are ready to pay for it. This is true about Forex trading also; well sort of. If you are a novice trader, you may find Forex trading just a little bit too complex, with so many things happening at the same time. So much so that it is really difficult to follow everything closely. It is not that the Forex trading is inherently hard to understand, but it takes time and patience to comprehend its multiple aspects.

What if you have a very short supply of both? Does that automatically mean your Forex Trading career should end before it beings? Isn’t there any shortcut available to Forex trading so that you don’t need to go through the painful research and try to figure out trends every time you would like to trade, at least when you first start? You may find yourself asking all these questions. Also, it would be handy if you could tap into the market at every available opportunity. However there are times when moves may happen when you are not online. You would therefore be completely unaware of them.

Automatic Forex trading signals provide a solution of sorts to the problems mentioned above. You can receive automatic Forex trading signals either via software which you have to install on your computer, or via membership of a website that provides automatic trading signal services. The con side is that these are usually paid services. In case of software, it could a one-time payment. In this case, the system is yours to use as you please. However, in the case of enrolling to an automatic Forex trading signal service, you need to pay monthly membership fees, which usually vary between $50 and $500, generally.


Mike Filsaime's View-- Reason I do not use is not a secret. In their TOS that can come back to haunt you. They are not affiliate marketer friendly. More on that in a minute.They do not offer toll free service and they will sometimes bill your account and if they are required to do any maintenance on your account… i.e. respond to a customer complaint about your site. You may find fees being billed to you for such items.Also, if you get a SPAM complaint it can be more damaging than you ever dreamed possible. No do not get me wrong, SPAM is bad, but we must remember, we live in a world that has morons in it. They may join your newsletter and scream spam to your host and registrar the next day.Or you may have a newbie affiliate that promotes your site via SPAM and it may come down on you.NOTE: Even if you do not host with, they still control your domain name. Only registrars that deal with SPAM complaints. Namecheap, and most others, do not tolerate SPAM, but will refer the client to complain to the Web Host, not the will send you an email about any SPAM complaints in which you only have 24 hours to respond. If you do respond, they will ask you to pay a fee of about $179 (About 20 years of domain registration costs.)If you do not respond in 24 hours, they point your domain to a URL like Spamand- and they will not let you login to your account. You lose access to all email and support desks etc you have on the site. Your customers can not reach you by email and your site is out of business until you get this resolved.This can take up to 3 weeks if they allow you to have the domain back. You see, will tell you that under the ICANN regulations, they have the right to take ownership of your domain or resell it to someone else if they see fit. Imagine, having a site for 10 years that is making you $10,000 per month, and one day, a person recommends your site in an email and you get a SPAM complaint and you lose your site forever.What is worse, they do not handle this by phone. You can only deal with this situation via email and they will not even tell you if they received your email, only that they will deal with the issue on a first come first serve basis.This can take weeks and cost you thousands in lost sales, not to mention your loss of creditability.The abuse dept at Godaddy is a HUGE revenue source for them and they make a fortune on unsuspecting customers that have been with them for years. If you are wondering how I know this so well… I had this problem with them in 2005 and lost over $40,000 in sales and refunds and took over 3 weeks to get my site back

Country gold and currency reserves held by the Central Bank or Financial bodies. Large reserves of foreign currency and gold represent the level of security and the benefits of investing in the economy of the country.

The volume of all types of public credit. The volume of consumer credit varies seasonally and achieves significant growth over major holidays (New Year's Day, Christmas). The increase has a positive impact on the country's economy andleads to an increase in the national currency rate. Consumer credit data is published on the 7th day of every month at 20:00 GMT in the United States and at the end of each month at 9:30 in the UK.


Forex technical indicator is a mathematical manipulation of a security price and volumes aimed at forecasting of future price changes. Trader is able to make decisions about how and when to enter or exit market, which position it is more suitable to open, on the basis of signals from technical indicators.


Again, the answer is obvious: just as with any market, you make money by buying low and selling high! Buy for less, sell for more! All you do is take advantages of fluctuations in the relative values of world currencies. Each currency's value changes every day in the currency exchange market. All you have to do is use these fluctuations to your advantage.

One thing we'd like to mention about currency exchange on Forex: on Forex, these daily fluctuations are actually 100 times greater than the actual fluctuation (for example, around 1%). Generally speaking, can offer trading ratios of between 1:10, 1:100, 1:200 and 1:500. So let's do the math: if the exchange rate of your given pair of currencies increased by just 0.6% over the last few hours, then you'll bag a profit of 60% on your original investment! All of this can happen over the course of a single business day, or as quickly as a matter of minutes.

And best of all, you don't risk losing anything more than your margin! There's absolutely no limit to your possible profits, but you never risk losing anything beyond what you originally invested.

The Forex Training service gives our clients an opportunity to conduct in practice the financial transactions using various strategies at minimal costs, thus overcoming psychological difficulties and helping to predict the likelihood of the success for larger sums.

This service is the result of a long history of foreign exchange market development, beginning with the 100-thousand contracts. For those even the change of 5-10% in six or twelve months is a sufficient profitability level provided by many banks at no risk. Over time, investors felt the need to participate in trading using smaller amounts of money, but at higher level of risk and return.

This has been made possible through leverage. Companies started to offer margin loan services in exchange for certain bonds on an account, which were much smaller than the amount of the transaction. Due to its relevance, this service became popular among investors with relatively small capital. Originally, lots were as much as 100,000 US dollars with a bond of 1,000 or with leverage of 1 to 100 (lot amount is 100 times more than a bond).

cent has become a new level in the development of margin loan services. In fx4u-cent the bond is 1,000 times less than a standard contract of 100 thousand . Many brokers also use the term "micro" for cases with a bond of 10 USD in fact none of them really offers this kind of service.

India has a foreign currency exchange policy even though many liberalization measures have been taken recently, it's still an economically isolated, or highly protected country. Indian currency - rupee, is highly regulated by the national banking authority - Reserve Bank of India, and so Indian citizens still cannot freely exchange rupeeto other currencies, they have to prove their need and there are annual limits for different needs . Even popular money transfer systems such as Western Union - which is spread worldwide and available to everyone, are forbidden in India - residents can only receive money, but not send.


The global financial markets are interconnected and depend greatly on the financial and macroeconomic statistics. The Forex market is not an exception. Currency rates — the basic instruments of the foreign exchange market — are affected by the by major financial news, fundamental statistical reports and important geopolitical events. But nothing compares to seeing the actual effects of the news on the Forex market. Here you will find three major examples of such influence.